App supported major cities
Chicago IL, New York NY, Houston TX, Detroit MI, Washington DC, Memphis TN, Atlanta GA, Miami FL, Philadelphia PA, St Louis MO, Cleveland OH
Everyone receive weather alerts or alerts from social media. Now you can receive alerts from potential risks within areas you are visiting. Risk Alert works in three ways; first, when you tap quick update, it locates your current position down to the zip code. Second if you’re within the supported major cities, displays what risks you face by being in that area. Three, Risk Alert sends notification when you are in a high to extreme risk area for too long. You can receive these alerts when you haven’t checked your area yet. With Risk Alert, you don’t have to guess what goes on in the area you work, live, or play.
Risk Alert is best for travelers, outdoor sales reps, installers, or anyone who worries about their safety when in an unknown area.
Crime information displayed from this app comes from local police departments and municipalities.
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